Tento blog popisuje stavbu naseho Summerbridge house od zakladu az po interier.
úterý 27. září 2011
Usazeni krajnich pohledovych krovu do ulice
Od minulého zápisku jsem stihl 3x natřít námětky a jsou připraveny k montáži na střechu. Taky jsem kompletně vyrobil a namontoval krajní pohledové krovy na střechu do ulice.
Nejprve jsem si pomoci rovné palubky na střeše přesně zaměřil vzdálenosti jednotlivých podpěr na obou stranách střechy. Tyto míry jsem potom přenesl na jednotlivé krovy tak, aby ve finále přesně pasovaly. Od kotování na výkrese jsem se ve skutečnosti lišil cca o 3-6 mm, což považují za skvělé čísla. Po narýsování osazení jsem si obkreslil podle námětek konce krovu tak, aby profil odpovídal. Poté jsem pomoci ruční Japonské pilky Ryoba, elektrické řetězové pily, dlátka a hoblíků všechny osazení i konce vyřezal a začistil. Po obroušení a zkosení hran jsem krov napustil 2x proti plísní drevosanem profi a 3x bílou lazurou Dufa.
po montazi krovu do ulice a demontazi zadniho krovu nad vikyrem
krov presahuje nad rovinu stresniho plaste o 161mm po osazeni PIR panelu a palubky 19mm budou tyto tvorit jednu rovinu pro kontralaty a laty
pohled z hrebene na koncovy krov
jako pest na oko - uz aby tam byla palubka a krytina
zatim to vypada, jako bych nasadil domecku parohy, ale to se poda
Dneska jsme tyto dva krovy s pomoci taťky vynesli nahoru a přišroubovali na místo pomoci vrutů Rapid Komprex 8x240mm. Ještě před konečnou montáží těchto krovu jsem si ale musel vyrobit a dočasně osadit i krajní krov nad vikýřem, protože bude ve finále propojeny s krovem do ulice a potřeboval jsem zjistit přesný úhel pod kterým ho ukončit tak aby na sebe přesně pasovaly.
vyrobni vykres krajnich krovu do ulice
vyrobni vykres krajniho krovu nad vikyrem
obkreslovani konce krovu
zakresleni osazovaciho dlabu
krov nad vikyr byl v koncove casti hodne prohnuty, pri zamerovani jsem s tim pocital a pozdeji prohnuti odhobloval
tento kus jserm dostaval na strechu sam - slo to ztuha!
tak nejak to bude - pripraveno pro osazeni krovu z ulice a obkresleni zkoseni pro zarezani na hornim konci
behem opracovani
pricne zarezy delam pomoci pilky Ryoba
Na obrázku je vidět, jak je krov do ulice připevněn z horní strany podpěry a krov nad vikýřem ze spodní strany. Oba jsou potom prošroubované pomoci závitové týče M12, kterou potom opatřím krytkou tak, aby nebyla vidět.
toto je 3D pohled na propojeni krovu
takto jsem si oznacil presne pozice vsech krovu pro pozdejsi kotveni kontralat a nametek
Zítra mi přijde pomoct švagr Petr a tak jsem rád, že mi pomůže natírat palubky a že s tím trošku pohnem.
Hi petr. This blog is really cool even google translator sometimes doesn´t work well. I really appreciate your work, it is awesome what you can do just by yourself. I don´t know if I understood your directing of crooked shape of that dormer log. I saw it before in your blog but I don´t know with what you can directing it ?? with that ink thing - sumitsubo or sth. ? or with laser "water-level" ? thanks alot for answer and best wishes - karl
Hi Karl, Thank you so much for the appreciation of my work. First of all I would like to apologize for my English which is terrible. I'm not sure if I understand your question but I will try to reply. Truss dormer was bent a lot so I drew a straight edge using my Sumitsubo. I drew a straight edge on both sides and the deflection of the truss I then removed using manual Japanese planer. If I'm not exactly understand what you're asking, please try to expand more detail and I'll be happy to answer. Thanks for following me, I'm glad I have a response in the world. Hello Petr
Thanks for reply. Your english is pretty fine. I think you should definitely expand to some foreign www domains with your blog. This blog is better than most of UK/US blogs about house by oneselves. Think about it, cause now it doesn´t have as many followers and views as its quality. And back to theme - I understand you and was looking for that sumitsubo on internet. Then I remember to this chalk line which I have at home. It is not the same as sumitsubo but I think it can works to directing bent dormer- http://www.forasia.cn/productsjt.asp?id=3181&xi=
Yes you are right. I'd love to have increased viewership of my blog. In this day seen my blog only 1,530 visitors from the U.S. and 515 from the UK. That's why he gives video on youtube where I have over 100 followers. But the problem is my English, I write through compiler and I'm trying to make it readable. And you're right it is possible to use other marking device. But sumitsubo ink has the advantage that you are doing a very thin line and ensuring high accuracy of work. Sumitsubo is produced in the plastic version, which has the advantage of ink does not dry out. - I recommend it. http://www.toolsfromjapan.com/wordpress/?p=422
Hi petr.
OdpovědětVymazatThis blog is really cool even google translator sometimes doesn´t work well. I really appreciate your work, it is awesome what you can do just by yourself. I don´t know if I understood your directing of crooked shape of that dormer log. I saw it before in your blog but I don´t know with what you can directing it ?? with that ink thing - sumitsubo or sth. ? or with laser "water-level" ? thanks alot for answer and best wishes - karl
Hi Karl, Thank you so much for the appreciation of my work. First of all I would like to apologize for my English which is terrible. I'm not sure if I understand your question but I will try to reply. Truss dormer was bent a lot so I drew a straight edge using my Sumitsubo. I drew a straight edge on both sides and the deflection of the truss I then removed using manual Japanese planer. If I'm not exactly understand what you're asking, please try to expand more detail and I'll be happy to answer. Thanks for following me, I'm glad I have a response in the world. Hello Petr
VymazatThanks for reply. Your english is pretty fine. I think you should definitely expand to some foreign www domains with your blog. This blog is better than most of UK/US blogs about house by oneselves. Think about it, cause now it doesn´t have as many followers and views as its quality.
OdpovědětVymazatAnd back to theme - I understand you and was looking for that sumitsubo on internet. Then I remember to this chalk line which I have at home. It is not the same as sumitsubo but I think it can works to directing bent dormer-
Yes you are right. I'd love to have increased viewership of my blog. In this day seen my blog only 1,530 visitors from the U.S. and 515 from the UK.
VymazatThat's why he gives video on youtube where I have over 100 followers. But the problem is my English, I write through compiler and I'm trying to make it readable.
And you're right it is possible to use other marking device. But sumitsubo ink has the advantage that you are doing a very thin line and ensuring high accuracy of work. Sumitsubo is produced in the plastic version, which has the advantage of ink does not dry out. - I recommend it. http://www.toolsfromjapan.com/wordpress/?p=422